Enjoy a magical spa ritual experience
The Aurora Spa, despite it’s name, is not just for during the winter although it is an extremely beautiful place from which to watch the Aurora! This amazing spa has been designed with it’s home, Swedish Lapland, in mind. Stone, wood and water – materials that stand for the cool, warmth and essential, which are all included as natural elements in the nature, communities and cultures of Lapland.
The beautiful Aurora Spa invites you to wander between in and out, heat and cold, soothing water and crystalline snow. Relax indoors and enjoy the winter-white landscape through panorama windows, or feel the cool caress of the polar winter across your cheek while enveloped by the warming comfort of our outdoor pool. If you are lucky, the colourful dance of the northern lights will entertain you or relax beneath the Midnight Sun in the Summer.
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Inspired by this experience? Why not take a look what else is possible in Swedish Lapland!
Experience MoreStaffan Widstrand imagebank Sweden