Travel insurance is very important and is there to protect you if something were to go wrong before or during your holiday. Here at Off the Map Travel we advise that you have comprehensive travel insurance in place before you travel however we cannot advise on specific policies – this should be done by the insurance provider who sells the policy to you. We do not sell insurance.
The insurance coverage will vary depending on who you purchase it from as well as the individual policy you purchase. Overall, travel insurance is meant to protect you against unforeseen travel misfortunes, like your flight getting cancelled due to severe weather or your baggage getting lost or stolen.
Advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) states;
Before you travel get comprehensive travel insurance, which covers any pre-existing medical conditions you have, and ensure it covers all activities you undertake. If you do not take out proper insurance, you will normally have to pay the costs of any emergency yourself, including expensive bills and medical evacuation back to the UK. If you choose to go to a country against our travel advice, this may seriously restrict any help we can provide and may also mean that your travel insurance is not valid.
This advice from the FCO is aimed towards UK citizens but the advice given is still relevant to all of our overseas customers.
Some people find that their bank covers travel insurance for them so it is worth checking this out first before you purchase separate insurance.
The only details we will require here at Off the Map Travel for your insurance once booked is the name of the company you buy the policy from.